What To Do If You Find A Briefcase Full Of Money. If you find a large amount of money or other valuable property, simply keeping it could land you in a lot of trouble. Under several states' laws, if you find more than a certain amount of money, you are required to take it to the police if you can't identify the owner and return it yourself. If they can't, the money may go back to the finder or it may go to the government depending on the state/city. You would have to be a. The amount of money that requires you to do so varies by state. In most cases, finding a briefcase full of cash raises suspicions, and it is important to follow the proper legal procedures to ensure. I would always take it to the cops, better chance of collecting it after holding time (which i think is 90 days in australia). Whenever someone is offering someone else an obscene amount of money for whatever reason, it will be in the form of neatly stacked and bound stacks of bills in a briefcase, or, if the. As a result, if you find a wallet full of cash and an id, you cannot legally pocket the cash because the owner is recognizable.
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Under several states' laws, if you find more than a certain amount of money, you are required to take it to the police if you can't identify the owner and return it yourself. If you find a large amount of money or other valuable property, simply keeping it could land you in a lot of trouble. You would have to be a. Whenever someone is offering someone else an obscene amount of money for whatever reason, it will be in the form of neatly stacked and bound stacks of bills in a briefcase, or, if the. In most cases, finding a briefcase full of cash raises suspicions, and it is important to follow the proper legal procedures to ensure. The amount of money that requires you to do so varies by state. I would always take it to the cops, better chance of collecting it after holding time (which i think is 90 days in australia). As a result, if you find a wallet full of cash and an id, you cannot legally pocket the cash because the owner is recognizable. If they can't, the money may go back to the finder or it may go to the government depending on the state/city.
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What To Do If You Find A Briefcase Full Of Money If they can't, the money may go back to the finder or it may go to the government depending on the state/city. As a result, if you find a wallet full of cash and an id, you cannot legally pocket the cash because the owner is recognizable. If they can't, the money may go back to the finder or it may go to the government depending on the state/city. Whenever someone is offering someone else an obscene amount of money for whatever reason, it will be in the form of neatly stacked and bound stacks of bills in a briefcase, or, if the. Under several states' laws, if you find more than a certain amount of money, you are required to take it to the police if you can't identify the owner and return it yourself. If you find a large amount of money or other valuable property, simply keeping it could land you in a lot of trouble. In most cases, finding a briefcase full of cash raises suspicions, and it is important to follow the proper legal procedures to ensure. You would have to be a. The amount of money that requires you to do so varies by state. I would always take it to the cops, better chance of collecting it after holding time (which i think is 90 days in australia).